RPT-30: Driving Resilience and Performance Transformation

An invitation-only, private, non-commercial executive learning program for CEOs and their teams from leading companies across the consumer, tech and industrial value chain.


March 6-8, 2024


The Joule, Dallas, Texas
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1. What drives value creation in today’s 2i (interest rate and inflation) environment?

  • Resilience and performance transformation (RPT) in a different environment: Unleashing the key levers and initiating action.

  • Enablers of RPT: Performance management and transparency, digital tools and infrastructure, incentive alignment.

  • Investor/ stakeholder management: crafting a compelling capital market story in a 2i environment.

  • Case examples of successful companies: Lessons learnt from exceptional value creators.

2. How to make Generative AI And Digital “real” to drive impact?

Demystifying Generative AI: Unlocking opportunities and navigating potential threats.

Digital transformation and Generative AI: synergies for accelerated impact.

Where are they being applied today? : Real-world examples of effective applications and where can they be applied?